
The Orthodox faith is based on the Holy Scriptures and the traditions of the early Church. The basic principles of the Orthodox faith are:

Unity with God and community

In the Orthodox faith, believers experience unity with God and the importance of living in community with other people. This is expressed in common prayers, worship, and the sharing of the sacraments.

Faith in Christ and His salvation

Orthodox Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Son of God. Faith in Christ and acceptance of His salvation play an important role in the life of believers.

Holiness and repentance

Orthodox Christians strive for holiness in their lives and practice repentance as a way of purifying the soul. This principle helps people to develop spiritually and to follow the divine commandments.

Religious theology

The Orthodox faith views God as the Holy Trinity – one divine essence consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is considered the source of everything that exists, the Son is His incarnation in human form, and the Holy Spirit is the spiritual force that awakens and inspires believers.

The faithful of the Orthodox Church also honor the Most Holy Theotokos, who plays an important role in the spiritual life of believers. The Virgin is considered an intercessor and helper before God.

Church sacraments

In the Orthodox faith, there are seven church sacraments that believers view as ways of receiving the grace of God. They are baptism, anointing, communion, repentance, peace, marriage, and priesthood. Each of these sacraments has a certain symbolism and plays an important role in the spiritual life of Orthodox Christians.

Historical and cultural aspects of the Orthodox faith

The Orthodox faith has a rich history and deep roots in the culture and traditions of many nations. Religious holidays, rites and rituals, communication with God through prayer and spiritual practices are all part of the cultural heritage of the Orthodox faith.

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