
Early Christians, starting from pagan views, made the cross the main symbol of their worldview. The cross personified the idea of salvation, of being reborn to a new life through suffering and torment.

Initially, the emphasis was on the physical aspects of Christ’s suffering, and then Orthodox Christians gave the crucifixion a more rosy, “victorious” meaning. From a symbol of ancient Roman execution, the cross turned into a sign of triumph and victory over evil. After all, without death there would have been no resurrection of Jesus.

The two “arms” of the horizontal axis of the cross became the embodiment of two fundamental paradigms of Christianity: on the one hand, forgiveness and repentance, and on the other, retribution and God’s punishment.

The cross in the church

Christians believe that the female/male cross, as a true religious symbol, protects and saves them. That is why it accompanies them everywhere. The image of the cross is central to all spheres of Christian life: in the Church, in attributes, in everyday life. A Christian sanctifies all objects with the sign of the cross.

If you look closely, everything in the church is centered around the cross. This sign formed the basis of church architecture and all the sacraments. You can see it on domes, iconostases, church utensils, clothes, and other church items.

Pectoral cross

The golden pectoral cross occupies the main place in the hierarchy of Christian attributes. Not a single event or ritual can be complete without it. It is with you every day: hidden under clothing, it protects its owner from evil and temptation. For Christians, the external beauty of the cross is not as important as its religious meaning. Therefore, when choosing a cross for women or men, the decor is of secondary importance.

Deeply religious people put a baby cross on a newborn in the first months of life. It is believed that during this sacrament, a little person is born for a new Christian life and receives a guardian angel.

The traditional Orthodox cross is a six- or octagonal cross, as well as a Latin four-pointed cross.

But for non-religious people, a cross with diamonds is an ordinary jewelry pendant that is lavishly decorated with various decorations and worn over clothes with other accessories.

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